Wish List: Single mother needs deep freezer, living room furniture | Wishlist
Felicia Cope holds her daughter Leilah, 1, center, while her niece Natalie Barnahart, 17, daughter Emma Richardson, 19, and niece Chelsey Garrett, 14, play with Wade, 10 months, inside their living room on Dec. 13 in Davenport. The extended family shares a small home and needs a new freezer to store food.
Felicia Cope holds her daughter Leilah’s hand.
Chelsey Garrett, 14, plays with her nephew Wade, 10 months inside their living room Monday, Dec. 13, 2021 in Davenport.
Felicia Cope, right, watches her niece Chelsey Garret, 14, hold Wade, 10 months, and her daughters Emma Richardson, 19, and Leilah, 1, play inside their living room Monday, Dec. 13, 2021 in Davenport.
Felicia Cope, center, Leilah, 1, Chelsey Garrett, 14, Wade, 10 months, and Emma Richardson, 19, play with the children inside their living room Monday, Dec. 13, 2021 in Davenport.
Emma Richardson, 19, holds her sister Leilah, 1, as her cousin Chelsey Garrett, 14, plays with Wade, 10 months, inside their living room Monday, Dec. 13, 2021 in Davenport.
Felicia Cope works hard for her family, and even though her house is full of people, it can be hard to find time to spend with them.
Cope lives with her three children, her sister and her sister’s family in a small home in Davenport. She works six days a week as a manager at Taco Johns.
“It’s really busy. With only one day off a week, a lot of things tend to slack during the week, like laundry and things like that,” Cope said. “There’s not a whole lot of family time, but we try when we can.”
With Cope working so much, she often has her sister or oldest daughter help get her 4-year-old son Dakota to and from school.
Centira “CeCe” Maid, a family services specialist at Dakota’s school, said she noticed how hard Cope was working to provide for her children, and she wanted to help however she could.
Maid nominated Cope for the Quad City Times Wish List program, which uses reader donations to pay for basic needs for Quad-Citians. Wish List partners with United Way Quad Cities to collect nominations from area nonprofits.
To donate, visit unitedwayqc.org/wishlist.
Cope and her family are in need of a new deep freezer. Their previous one recently went out, and with so many people in the house, it has been difficult to store enough food for everyone.