Floor & Decor: Specializing To Beat Home Depot And Lowe’s (FND)

Floor & Decor: Specializing To Beat Home Depot And Lowe’s (FND)

Floor & Decor: Specializing To Beat Home Depot And Lowe’s (FND)

AleksandarNakic/E+ via Getty Images

Floor & Decor Holdings (NYSE:FND) is one of those plain businesses that outperformed the SPY over the last few years (Floor & Decor IPO’ed in 2017) without grabbing too much attention. Even though it’s a pretty simple business, it has a

Floor & Decor outperformance

Floor & Decor outperformance (Koyfin)

FND sourcing strategy

FND sourcing strategy (FND investor presentation)

FND Inverse DCF

FND Inverse DCF (Authors Model)