23 Unique Decor Pieces To Revamp Your Coffee Table
Nothing’s better than kicking back after a long day to admire the stylish, cozy space you’ve curated to call home. All the work you put into getting the feng shuijust right can ultimately feel pointless if it doesn’t spark joy, though. That’s where decorating comes in – it gives you the chance to personalize and energize your space so that coming home feels fun and familiar instead of drab and dreary.
The most-frequented space in my home tends to be on the couch, queuing my favorite hyper-fixation TV show for the evening. This increased screen time comes hand-in-hand with utilizing your coffee table to its fullest potential, which can sometimes mean things can get a little… messy. But don’t worry — there are countless decor items you can play with to organize your coffee table and make it look nothing short of picturesque. Peep these delightful coffee table trays and decor that are sure to spark joy below!
Coffee Table Books
Assouline Amalfi Coast Book ($105)
Embellish your coffee table with a bold, eye-catching book cover. This edition meets you at the Amalfi coast, showcasing the region’s geographical marvels and finest restaurants, so you can start planning your next vacation right from the couch. Assouline produces dozens of books that display even more international destinations for you to pick from.
Architectural Digest at 100: A Century of Style ($87)
Obsessed with the Architectural Digest Open Door videos? Us too! This book embodies the beloved series, this time on paper. Each page gives a peek into the homes of well-known figures, from the likes of Frank Lloyd Wright to Barack and Michelle Obama. Top your coffee table with this collection of easy-to-access home decor inspo.
1,000 Record Covers ($25)
Music never fails to evoke fond memories of the past. This coffee table book is your complete companion for nights full of reminiscing with friends. Flip through the albums, and prepare to get sappy about your favorite songs.
Candles and Holders
UO Laurel Single Taper Candle Holder ($22)
This 2-in-1 candle and incense holder is the ideal coffee table decoration because the organic tray shape keeps things visually interesting, while the holder itself serves a useful double purpose. Smoke off your favorite incense scents while illuminating your space with a cute taper candle.
Uncommon Goods Blown Glass Mushroom Cap Candle ($55)
Style a coffee table centerpiece worth treasuring. This hand-blown mushroom vessel houses a moss-scented candle that you can light to unwind in the evenings. Although, this pick is so charming, it might be hard to bring a match to it.
54º Celsius Twist Candle ($50)
Set this funky candle beside an aesthetically pleasing match box so you can illuminate your room in a flash. The winding wax design is decorative enough to look stunning, even when the wick isn’t lit.
UO Carmella Small Glass 6 oz Candle ($20)
Decorating your coffee table with colorful glass candles is an easy way to elevate the tablescape. The glass is attractive because of its hand-blown construction, and the bubble-like shape makes things chic. If you’re craving a little something extra for your cozy dwelling, set out a few smaller candles like this one.
Pacific Jade Feminist Sayings Variety Pack ($60)
Can’t resist a fresh scent? This soy candle duo fills your living room with a Sea of Sage and swells of Golden Vanilla. The neutral, minimal design makes styling your coffee table with these candles truly effortless. Plus, your purchase benefits charitable organizations that advocate for women’s rights.
The Floral Society Copper Incense Holder ($36)
Spark up a savory scent and easily put it on display in an incense holder. Don a section of your coffee table with this minimalist design and a bunch of incense sticks for an access to a relaxing post-work ritual.
Paddywax Candles Realm Candle ($23)
The wide base on this candle serves as a coffee table centerpiece of sorts. Bask in the warm glow of this bamboo-scented candle during a low-key night in. Once the wax is used up, you can upcycle the glass container for a special catchall tray!
Coffee Table Trays and Catchalls
Iridescent Perfume Tray ($20)
This vibrant storage tray can hold your candles, coasters, and more when they’re not being used. The acrylic material makes this pick an absolutely breeze to clean. Snag this pick if your coffee table space needs a dose of color!
Schoolhouse Everyday Tray – Rectangle ($18)
This catchall tray goes beyond storing your coffee table accessories. It can be your new central spot for accumulating mail and miscellaneous paperwork. You can also use it as a serving tray for some delicious finger foods! Peek at the enticing colors and sizes this design comes in to accomodate your desired space!
Bell Manufacturing Onda Tray ($150)
If your coffee table is a high-traffic area for other activities, this functional design is a must-have. The handles on each side make it easy to lift out of the way, if needed. The tray is crafted out of metal, so it’s easy to keep clean and can withstand the normal wear and tear.
Steven Bukowksi Scape Trays ($100)
This adaptable design makes our inner child happy. The simple, primary color palette and funky metal trims feel extremely playful, yet the trays are useful in storing miscellaneous house items. Divide the set up to organize every room in the house, or keep them united for a stackable look.
UO Icon Catch-All Dish ($10)
This dish is your BFF for catching the jewelry you shed after the work day. The design comes in five different colors to suit your space’s vibe! Pop it on your coffee table next to a luxurious candle to keep things organized and polished.
Coffee Table Coasters
homEdge Vinyl Record Coasters ($9)
Give these guys a spin on your coffee table! These vinyl coasters are ideal for an eclectic addition, and appeal to music lovers all around. They lay the perfect foundation for your ice-cold drinks and cans!
Uncommon Goods Hand-Dyed Zodiac Coasters ($14)
Ponder the stars amid this stitched set of zodiac coasters! They’ll make a home on your coffee table in no time. Your besties can reserve their star sign each time they visit to keep their drink cozy, and your table ring-free.
MoMA Design Store Geo Stacking Coasters ($30)
These coasters greet your coffee table guests with a lively color palette. Each design differs from the other, so you can easily distinguish between drinks. The silicone material makes these coasters simple to clean, and provides a unique tactile experience, if you just need to fidget with something. Give your glass nothing but the best!
Graf Lantz Felt Coasters ($24)
These felt coasters catch all the condensation, without staining or feeling wet. They also supply a healthy pop of color to refresh your coffee table. The collection of pinks and purples are to die for, but you can also snag these in blue hues.
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